The historic neighborhood of Cameron Park is bordered by Cameron Village Shopping Center and Hillsborough Street. With its boutiques and coffee shops, it’s easy to see why the historic neighborhood of Cameron Park has become such a popular destination for residents in search of the best Raleigh neighborhood.
The Cameron Park neighborhood is close to St Mary’s School and North Carolina State University. With its proximity to NC State University and St Mary’s School, the Cameron Park neighborhood is a prime location for those looking to live in close proximity to educational institutions.
The suburb of Cameron Park was one of three suburbs developed along Hillsborough Street during the early 1900s. The location is appealing and convenient due to its proximity to abundant transportation options, including a streetcar line that made this area an ideal spot for homes being built by developers who wanted their developments near major roadways where people could easily access them without having too far wandered from whatever it was they were doing at any given time.
Once a thriving town filled with opportunity and promise, Cameron Park lost much of its charm by the 60s due to an unfortunate departure that left many original inhabitants behind.
The neighborhood of Cameron Park has since reclaimed its status as one of Raleigh’s most appealing family neighborhoods, and it pushed back on encroaching fraternity houses. It was listed in 1985 on the National Register for Historic Places; this made it a national historic district.
The Cameron Park neighborhood is a great community to live in if you’re eyeing variety. You can find everything from Queen Anne and Colonial Revival homes all the way down through eclectic styles like Georgian or TudorRevival acclaimed architecturally-forward designs that will make your home stand out in this diverse area of Raleigh.
You’ll find three ravines cutting through Cameron Park, which are interspersed with blocks of residential homes. The Edna Metz Wells park is an amazing location for families to come and enjoy themselves.
With a location right next to some of Raleigh’s best schools and parks, as well as an extensive list of amenities that include mature trees – it is no wonder why the Cameron Park neighborhood has become so popular.
The Cameron Park neighborhood is a stone’s throw from downtown and has all the best restaurants, bars, and cafes. It’s also only 5 minutes away by car or 25 minutes walk away from the State Capitol Building along Hillsborough Street.
The Cameron Park neighborhood is the ideal community because it’s within walking distance from all of the cafes, shops, and bars along Hillsborough St across NC State. You’ll also be close to Glenwood South, where there are plenty more restaurants awaiting your taste buds. And don’t forget about The Warehouse District, which has everything you need as well.
Village District
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